I dedicated the first 35 years of my professional life to the practice of Gynecologic Oncology in Nashville, Tennessee. As a strong advocate for Women’s Health, I strived to provide the care my patients deserve by focusing on clinical research, technical precision and compassionate support. These women and their stories have enriched my life immeasurably.

As we all faced the challenges of the pandemic, and in the hours of isolation, I rekindled my passion for photography and the digital arts. I have a particular interest in portraiture, in the studio and on the street, and in street scene photography where I hope to show those fleeting moments and raw emotions that often go unnoticed yet shape our daily lives.

As I transition from medical practice to the streets of Nashville and beyond, I invite you to witness the beauty, resilience, and stories of everyday life through my lens. I dedicate this effort to showcase my work and vision to the countless women and passionate health care workers who have influenced my life and journey. And to my cherished grandson, Aiden, so that he may one day know me through what I see.

Laura Williams, MD